From childhood onward, we have been educated only to examine and verify things in the external world. No one has taught us how to look within, to find within, and to verify within. Therefore, we remain strangers to ourselves, while trying to get to know others. This lack of self-understanding is one of the main reasons our relationships don’t seem to work, and why confusion and disappointment so often prevail in our life.
The goal of our meditation is to go beyond the mind and experience our essential
We are taught how to move and behave in the outer world, but we are never taught how to be still and examine what is within ourselves. When we learn to do this through meditation, we attain the highest of all joys that can ever be experienced by a human being. All the other joys in the world are momentary, but the joy of meditation is immense and everlasting. This is not an exaggeration; it is a truth supported by sages in our scriptures and by the modern science and technology.
Meditation is a practical means for calming our self. It is a way of training the mind so that you are not distracted and caught up in its endless churning. Meditation teaches us to systematically explore our inner dimensions. It is a universal requirement of the natures human body.